Thursday, April 29


Sometimes it is just the simple things. A walk on a country lane, the good weather, a field full of wild flowers. A riot of colour. Even King Solomon in all his riches was not dressed as beautifully as they are. Nothing needed to be added to that moment.

The ironic thing is that this beautiful colour came from a field of dandelions. Weeds. Often considered a nuisance, dug up, overlooked, while we value other flowers, other scenes. Our life is sometimes like that. We often ignore what is right in front of us while seeking what we think is our path. We cannot turn to what is right beside us. The problem with this is that our actual life is the only one we have. We search for meaning and happiness in ideas, in other places, in other people, in the future. This perpetuates our preference for relating to life through our discursive minds, our planning minds. Meanwhile, right in front of us, our actual life offers happiness. If we have the eyes to see it.