Monday, May 3


A lot going on these days. I am very excited as I have put my name down for a Retreat in Spirit Rock Meditation Centre in California in the summer. It will be run by Phillip Moffit, Sally Clough Armstrong and others. Phillip is the author of the excellent Dancing with Life: Buddhist Insights for Finding Meaning and Joy in the Face of Suffering and I also have always enjoyed the articles he writes for numerous magazines, including Yoga Journal and Body and Soul.

Why do we go on retreat? It gives us an opportunity for more in-depth practice. Even though, in a very real sense, our everyday life is our practice, we use the time out of a retreat to gain a clearer idea of how to practice and to find some perspective upon how we should integrate practice into our everyday life. We need, sometimes, to go greater in depth for a short period in order to sustain the width which is our ongoing daily life. There are not too many places near Geneva that offer English speaking retreats, so I hope to organize and offer a one day Day of Practice before the summer holidays and some regular one days in the Autumn. I will announce details on the blog.

However, you can check out what is offered in centres in Switzerland and England under the Sites to Support Practice links on the right hand side.