This blog offers reflections on the development of mindfulness practice in personal and professional life, on Psychology and on Spirituality, as well as news about Mindfulness Activity in the Geneva area.
Just as a follow up to yesterday's post on setting aside some extra time for practice, there will be a Evening of Mindfulness Practice on Wednesday, 12th of May, at 19.30 hrs, Webster University (room above the Cafeteria). There well also be a Retreat Day on Saturday the 26th of June, from 9.30 to 16.00 hrs to give a chance for longer practice.
I hope you may find this blog helpful.It aims to encourage the daily practice of mindfulness and support those who have participated in mindfulness programmes.
I am a Mindfulness Trainer, offering professional education, mindfulness-informed therapy, group and one-to-one courses in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, and other Mindfulness-Based Workshops.