Sunday, March 14


As I said, another reflection, in Irish,
This time, on the Sabbath

Dé bheatha chugainn, a Dhomhnaigh bheannaithe,
lá breá aoibhinn tar éis na seachtaine,
lá breá aoibhinn chun Críost a agallamh.
Corraigh do chos is téire chun an Aifrinn.
Corraigh do chroí agus díbir an ghangaid as.
Corraigh do bhéal chun bréithre beannaithe.

Féach suas ar Mhac na Banaltran,
Mac na hÓighe, ós é a cheannaigh sinn,
gur leis a bhuafar beo agus marbh sinn.

We welcome you here, O happy Sabbath,
a fine pleasant day at the end of the week,
a fine pleasant day to talk to God.

Move your feet and go to Church
Move your heart and drive out bitterness.
Move your lips to happy words.

Look up towards the Son of the Healer,
the Son of the Virgin, for it is he who redeemed us,
that by him in life and in death we may prosper.