Life's energy is never static. It is as shifting, fluid, changing as the weather. How we relate to this dynamic flow of energy is important.
We can learn to relax with it, recognizing it as our basic ground, as a natural part of life;
or the feeling of uncertainty, of nothing to hold on to, can cause us to panic, and instantly a chain reaction begins.
We panic, we get hooked, and then our habits take over and we think and act in a very predictable way. The source of our fear is the unfilfillable longing for a lasting certainty and security, for something solid to hold on to. Unconsciously we expect that if we could just get a better job, a better partner, a better something, then our lives would run smoothly. We get caught up in a fearful, narrow holding pattern of avoiding any difficulty and continually seeking comfort.
Pema Chodron, Taking the Leap