These extreme physical phenomenon also remind us how fragile our physical life is, and how we can never have a certainty of safety. Accidents and illness happen frequently. We can say "goodnight" at the end of a day and are not guaranteed to resume contact again. It reminds us every life is made up of a series of things arising and passing away - beginnings and endings - and that coming to a personal understanding of this is vital in the development of wisdom.
Our mindfulness practice helps. Mindfulness is about seeing things as they actually are not as we imagine them to be, and one of its key insights, which we learn the first time we sit down to meditate, is that things change. However, I do not find it easy to really accept this insight and the calm that it can bring. I prefer to hold onto things, especially those which present themselves as pleasant. Even in simple day-to-day circumstances it is difficult to stay content: I can get easily upset, worry and find it hard to relax. From my work with people I know that I am not alone in this. Each day presents new circumstances. I often have difficulty adjusting to them and can become demanding or be confused. Change can often mean that I do not feel safe, until meditation, time and support soothes the mind and the heart. I find that meditation helps me in facing the big and small changes that afflict my life and when the world's suffering is brought close. Problems, in my life or in the world, are not necessarily solved but at least I feel more courageous in facing them.
Rain scatters plum petals
Weeping stains the earth
One can only take shelter
And wait for clearing
Tao Te Ching