The second antiphon moves from creation to the theme of God intervening in history, revealing himself to Moses and leading him out of slavery in Egypt. He then shows a way towards happiness in his law. The ancient metaphor of an arm outstretched is a way of talking about strength and protection.
We too need to draw on many sources of strength, both internal and external, as we move into unfamiliar territory or leave behind those places in our lives where we have been held captive. Egypt is not simply a country; the Hebrew word Mitzraim means “a narrow place.” Going out from Egypt means going from a narrow place, a place where we are stuck, to a wider place, a place where we are free. So often we get trapped in "narrow places", stuck in situations or in our views of our own capabilities. At times of change we need to keep our focus on words and ideas that give us strength, that link us to our fearless nature.
O Adonai, and Leader of the house of Israel,
You appeared to Moses in the burning bush,
and gave him the Law on Sinai:
come and save us with an outstretched arm.