It is striking that the first words spoken by the angels in the Christmas Story are "Do not be afraid". They echo the words frequently said to people in the Old Testament or in the Gospel. It is as if one of the most important messages needed to be communicated to us in our lives is for us not to be limited by our fears. The mind likes to dwell in fear. In fact, it is amazing to notice how much of our day-to-day life is tinged with an undercurrent of fear, which lurks behind a lot of our habits. It is why it is so hard to just sit still or stand still — not doing anything in particular — without feeling anxious or fidgety.
However, different spiritual traditions teach that true human freedom and joy is possible under any circumstances, if we know where to look. One starting place is with ourselves, by developing a kindness and warmth towards ourselves, by cultivating the eyes of these angels towards our inner self. Maybe these divine visitors see more clearly into our true nature, and remind us to look to that, and not to the fearful thoughts that discourage us. At times we find it easier to see ourselves in a limited and impoverished way, with our repeated patterns of thinking reminding us that we are weak or struggling. These texts can help us fully acknowledged our dignity and the natural courage deep inside us. They encourage us to believe, to dare, to open up to possibilities. Fully becoming who we are begins with where we are, actually, at this point in our lives. If they can see goodness and courage in us, why can't we?