Sometimes the reason why we do not acheive something, or even set out to achieve something is that we are afraid of failing, or that we imagine a possible conclusion even before we have taken one step. In other words, we are already in the future when we need to concentrate on the present and the little first steps we can do here-and-now. This form of "all-or-nothing” thinking is a very common trap that people, including me, like to fall into. It essentially says, “If I can’t do it all, then why bother?” or "it is obvious I will not succeed so let me give up already"
In his book
Excuses Be Gone! Dr. Wayne Dyer identifies this as one of the main reasons people do not pursue their goals. He names this the “It’s too big” excuse. He goes on to say that we tend to think of successful people as “big thinkers” when, in actual fact, successful people have a knack for thinking “small” or breaking down their big vision into small, manageable pieces.
Once you get started, you only have to do one step at a time.
Often, getting started is by far the hardest part.