From time to time difficulties occur in our lives which can then seem dark and without hope. Bringing awareness to what is going on inside us at those moments can allow light to shine in the darkness. Simply sitting, seeing what arises and passes away in the mind and body and naming it, allows what we experience to become something known and understood, rather than something shaped entirely by invisible, unconscious conditioning.
Within our darkest night, we kindle a fire that never dies away.
When we meditate, we’re not idly passing time. In following the breath and learning to deal with our thoughts, we’re laying the foundation for a shift in attitude that has the power to change our lives in a truly meaningful way. There’s a lot of darkness and aggression in our world. Developing our best qualities has an immediate effect on ourselves and others. When we apply ourselves in practice, we’re not only doing something very present; we’re also creating the conditions for how our lives can move forward.
Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche