Tuesday, February 9

A soft day

In Ireland the term " a soft day" is used to describe a day with very light rain. Traditionally people would say "It's a soft day, thank God", even if it had been raining for weeks and was miserably cold ...which probably demonstrates that - or maybe explains why - the Irish are entirely mad. Today, there has been gentle snow falling all day, an alpine equivalent of the Irish soft rain. It falls gently, persistently, on top of the snow already lying on the garden, without a sound, snow on snow.

When we practice we try and take a light touch, not taking ourselves too seriously. We also try to lightly use the breath as an anchor, not thinking of the breath but gently dropping in on it, like the gentle touch of this soft snow. We also soften our posture as we sit, not needing to force or strain, as sitting is dropping into the natural and gentle calm that exists inside us. We just let ourselves settle gently.

It is good to work in this way; It is so easy to be harsh with ourselves, in practice and in life.