Mindfulness practice encourages us to accept each moment as it, without wanting it to be different. It is a form of non-violence towards our life as it presents itself. This acceptance of life should also extend to an acceptance of ourselves, a gentle non-judging attitude towards our inner self and its growth.
I notice that often what hinders this is the expectations which we and others place on us. Expectations can come in many forms, the ones we put on ourselves, the ones others put on us, or a general sense of having to be a certain way or do certain things. They often can be hidden inside us and work against the type of kind gentleness which we are trying to adapt towards where we are in life and our efforts to do as well as we can in each moment. Real radical acceptance is freeing. It is the opposite to the fear which sometimes drives us.
As I read recently,"Opening to possibilities is empowering; falling into expectations is crippling. Recognize the difference and free yourself.